Click the PDF icon above to view or download a systematic list of all bird species I have uploaded to Flickr, with links to the photos. Use your browser's "find" function to quickly locate what you are looking for, or just scroll down if you prefer. CTRL-F is a shortcut for the find function on most English-language browsers. The order of the list follows Clements/eBird, with yearly updates. Note: I highly recommend holding down the Ctrl/Cmd key before clicking a link within the PDF as this will it open it up into a new tab.
The first column is the number of photos. The second column is a subjective quality rating for the photo (or the best photo if there are more than one), from A (best) to E (worst). These ratings often reflect my personal tastes, so you may not agree with all of them. I frequently reevaluate photos, and some of my earlier shots were rated too high - I am working on updating them.
I am slowly replacing older photos with higher resolution and non-watermarked versions. This takes time! If there is any photo you would like for me to prioritize, just let me know, either through email or by leaving a comment on the Flickr shot, and I'll put it at the top of the list.
Feel free to email me if you find a broken or incorrect link - I would greatly appreciate it.
Totals: 6715 photos/3691 bird species. Recently added photos may not be in the index yet.